The Temple Eclipse - April 8, 2024
If you’ve found this page and wondering what this is all about, hopefully the information contained here will help explain.
The Temple Theatre is the anchor business for downtown Houlton, Maine. It is housed on the first floor of Masonic Block at 20 Market Square. For information on the Masonic building you can find it on our History Page.
We’ve included the documents we have so far that help provide information on the Masonic Building, the Temple Theatre, 1918 Eclipse and the 2024 Eclipse.
Houlton Pioneer Times Articles
Total Eclipse from August 14, 1918
Houlton’s antipode is the yellow marker on the map. An antipode is the opposite spot on the map of any location. The total eclipse of August 14, 1918 took place at Houlton’s antipode.
United States
Continent: America
Coordinates: 46.126, -67.840
Antipodal point
Opposite side in the world
Continent: America
Coordinates: -46.126, 112.160